대학교 광고 in 미국

College Advertisement in the States

뉴욕 지하철 대학교 광고판

  미국에서도 대학교 광고를 많이 한다. 이것 외에도 훨씬 많았다. 그리고 미국 명문대 중 하나인 Columbia University(콜롬비아 대학교), Stanford University(스탠포드 대학교)도 방문했는데 외국인 유학생들에게 영어 과외를 하는 프로그램, 영어 에세이 첨삭해주는 프로그램 광고도 캠퍼스 안에 있었다. 나는 조금 놀라긴 했다. 왜냐하면 그런 명문대에 입학하려면 영어는 당연히 잘 해야하고 잘 하는 사람들이 입학하는 것으로만 알고 있었기 때문이다. 놀라웠다. 영어를 잘 못하는 사람도 학교는 잘 다니는구나 하고 생각했다. There were actually countless advertisement all over the places in the States. I have visited Columbia University in New York and Standford University in Palo Alto, San Francisco. I was surprised huge because there were advertisements that looking for someone who needs help in 'Speaking in English' and 'Writing in English' on the CAMPUS. When it comes to top school studentst, I thought everyone attending to the top schools was absolutely good at English and I thought only students who are good at the language could get accepted BUT it was not. There were many students from abroad who are not used to speak in English and write in English. They might speak well if they ain't nervous or something but I was just surpised. You know what I am saying right.

Sri Lanka Foods / 스리랑카 여행 음식

Fried Vegetable Rice

  스리랑카에 처음 가 봤습니다. 그리고 쌀은 한국 쌀 하고 많이 달랐습니다. 스리랑카 쌀은 수분이 없고 얇고 긴 쌀이었습니다. 그래서 항상 밥을 많이 주는데 가격은 한국하고 비교했을 때 엄청 저렴하거나 그러진 않았습니다. 한국에서도 밥버거 같은거 2,000원 ~ 4,000원 정도 하는데 이 곳 한끼 밥 그릇 bowl로 나오는 볶음밥 식사는 한화로 3,500원 ~ 5,000원 했습니다. 엄청 저렴하지도 않더라고요. I had been to Sri Lanka last winter and its rice was 200% different from Korean rice. Sri Lankan Rice is dried, skinny and long while Korean one is short and full. Since Sri Lanka's 'Gross Domestic Product' is lower than South Korea, I thought everything is much cheaper than Korea but it was not that cheap as much as I expected. The food in the picture costs about 3,500 won in Korea Currency. I don't remember its price in Lupee haha. Anyways it tasted not bad and apparently it is very common food in Sri Lanka.

Avocado Drink

"Avocado sucks."

  처음으로 아보카도 주스를 마셔봤습니다. 한국에서는 사실 과카몰리 Guacomole, 아보카도가 흔하지 않잖아요. 그래서 그냥 한 번 마셔보자 해서 마셨는데 건강해지는 맛이었으나 혀가 즐기는 맛은 없었습니다. I had a cup of Avocado drink for the first time. I didn't expect much from this small drink because it costed only 1,700 won much. However in Korea, Guacamole, Avocado and such tropical fruits (or vegetables?) are not common so that was why I just tried it! It tasted very healthy but no rejoice for my tongue.

KOICA x Sri Lanka Government

  KOICA와 함께하는 월드프렌즈 청년중기봉사단 스리랑카 최종평가회를 어느 호텔에서 가졌다! 나는 이곳에서 잠시 머무르기만 했고 KOICA 단원들과는 아무런 연관이 없었다. 

미국 LA Hollywood 여행 1


Hollywood, LA, California, U.S.A 여행을 다녀왔습니다. 사람들은 Hollywood 할리우드라고 하면 흔히 할리우드 사인만을 생각합니다. 하지만 Hollywood, Los Angeles 라고 하면 지역 이름입니다. 홍익대학교와 홍대입구역 근처 같은 느낌일까요. 미국 여행을 계획할 때 할리우드는 반드시 가고 싶다! 이런 생각은 없었습니다. 그냥 처음 가보는 곳이고 사람들이 모이고 재밌는 것이 많다는 관광지라고 하니까 반드시 들려야 할 것 같아서 방문했습니다 (사실 Universal Studio, Hollywood 갈 돈이 부족한 것도 있었습니다). 

I visited Hollywood, Los Angeles, U.S.A. When it comes to Hollywood, generally people think Hollywood is famous for its Hollywood sign. Yes it is, but Hollywood is not just a sign, actually Hollywood is the name of the area. It is like Hong-ik University and Hong-ik University subway station? Anyways, when I planned the America trip I have never planned to go this spot because it seemed like there are not many things to do here. I felt like, however, I should visit here before I be back to Korea because it is the one of the sightseeing places where people visit the most. To be honest, I had not had enough money for an Universal Studio Unlimited Attraction Ticket.

LA Hollywood Sign

If you walk along the way in Hollywood there are a lot of people who are doing fraud and cop so you have got to be careful all the time wherever you are. 할리우드 거리를 걷다보면 (할리우드 길거리 사진은 나중에 다음편에 올리겠습니다) 엄청 많은 사람들이 사기를 치고 도적질을 합니다. 어디에서 무엇을 하든지 조심해야 돼요. 한국처럼 절대 안전하지 않습니다. 

"When it comes to safety and its price, South Korea is much better to settle down and live compared to America."

Random Demotape ? Mixtape from Stranger

할리우드 길을 걸어 가다 보면 강매를 하는 사기꾼, 가짜 돈을 파는 사기꾼, 자기 가게로 와보라는 사기꾼들 정말 많습니다. 저는 미국에 가기 전 까지만 해도 미국은 저작권법이 강력하게 적용되는 줄 알았습니다. 그리고 NBA, MLB, NFL 등 많은 스포츠의 큰 리그를 가지고 있으니 많은 사람들이 스포츠를 존중할 줄 알고 있었습니다. NIKE가 미국에서 시작했고 미국은 저작권법이 강력히 적용되니까 미국에는 최소한 NIKE 가품은 '많이' 없을 줄 알았습니다. 그런데 미국에 오히려 NIKE 가품이 엄청 많았습니다. 되도록이면 검증되지 않은 관광지 근처 가게에서 아무것도 구매하지 않는 것을 추천합니다.

There are countless people walking on the street. Also there are countless people who were trying to steal, scam, fraud etc... Before I stepped on the America, I thought the law regarding patent, property and all other things that regards owns are hugely applied to all industries. Since NIKE has started in America and a few big sports league has started in America, I thought there were not many 'fake (not authentic)' sports goods, but it wasn't. There were whole a lot of fake goods. What I am saying is I hope you guys not buy anything in the sightseeing places because even though the sightseeing place is nice, that does not mean the souvenir stores near the place are nice too. Visit the place where is certified by google reviews or something. Buying something at the place where is not certified near sightseeing places is very dangerous because people who are running their stores near the place do not care about your status or something but all what they need is your money. It is sad but so true. 

바이러스가 있을까봐 CD 재생을 걱정했다.

할리우드 거리에서 어떤 흑인 랩퍼라는 사람이 자신의 꿈을 도와달라면서 CD를 강매했다. 자기 자신이 랩퍼라면 거리에서 랩할 생각은 없고 CD를 강매한다. 그래서 나는 관심이 없다고 괜찮다고 몇 번씩이나 반복해서 말했지만 전혀 통하지 않았다. 그들은 돈이 필요한 것인데 일은 하기 싫은 것으로 밖에 안 보였다. 그들이 할리우드 거리, 관광지에서 관광객들에게 계속해서 그런 짓을 하는 이유는 지금까지 많은 관광객들이 그들에게 돈을 주고 돈이 되니까 다음날에 나와서 계속 강매, 구걸, 사기를 하는 것이다. 이런 사람들을 없애려면 관심은 물론이고 돈은 절대 주면 안 된다. 그런데 이 CD는 그냥 내 겨드랑이에 꽂고 진심으로 한 번만 들어보라며 줬다. 사실 두 장을 겨드랑이 양쪽에 꽂고 들어보라고 했는데 내가 돈이 없다고 하니까 한 쪽에 있는 CD는 다시 가져갔다. 그리고 집에 와서 CD를 재생해볼까 말까 엄청 고민했다. 왜냐하면 CD에 바이러스나 이상한 것들이 들어있을까 무서웠기 때문이다. 그렇게 CD를 열어보니 바이러스는 없었고 정말 힙합 노래 몇 개가 들어있었다. 그리고 별로 듣고 싶지 않아서 바로 쓰레기통에 버렸다. 세상 어디를 가도 외국인 관광객들을 이용해 먹으려면 사람들이 있으니까 항상 조심하자!

When I was walking on the street in Hollywood, one random black stranger came to me and forced me to buy his hiphop mixtape CD, saying that he wants to attain his goal in black music area. I could not understand what he was saying because if he wants to achieve his goal, he better do rap on the street and get attention and be famous. A person who wants to be a rapper does not rap but beg strangers for money on the street? Is not it hiralious? What I am saying is please guys do not give them money even if they keep trying to hinder and force you to buy something. Just ignore what they are saying as if there is no one around. I gave me a CD for free eventually and I was sort of curious if the CD really contains hiphop songs they made and recorded. I was kind of nervous and scared when I put the CD in my desktop because no one knows if the CD has virus or chemical material haha. So be careful wherever you are when you travel.

Terry Fox Statue at BC Place

테리 팍스 동상 BC 플레이스

Terry Fox Statue at Vancouver Downtown

Terry Fox Plaza

Terrance Stanley "Terry" Fox

July 28, 1958 - June 28, 1981

Terry Fox was a young athlete from the Vancouver suburb of Port Coquitlam. In 1977, at the age of 18, he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in his right knee. Within a week, his leg was removed 15 centimeters above that knee. During his ensuing chemotherapy treatment, Terry saw, and was deeply moved by, the effect cancer had on younger patients being treated alongside him.

In early 1979, Terry conceived of the Marathon of Hope. It was to be a cross-Canada run to raise money for cancer research. His goal was to run one marathon per day, travelling from Newfoundland to British Columbia, with the hope of raising one dollar for each of Canada's 24 million people. This sort of awareness-raising event had never been done before, and this was a time when people with disabilities kept them hidden and when cancer was a subject not openly discussed.

The run began on April 12, 1980, in St. John's, Newfoundland, and Terry indeed ran close to the equivalent of a full marathon - 42 kilometers, or 26 miles - every day, an astonishing physical achievement. Throughout the summer of 1980, his run captured the nation's imagination, and by August he had become a national figure.

The run came to a sudden and starting end on September 1, 1980, just east of Thunder Bay, Ontario. One day Terry ran 37 kilometers, or 23 miles; the next, he couldn't raise his hand to brush away a fly. Test revealed that Terry's cancer had spread to his lungs. By December, Terry had vanished from public view. He died on June 28, 1981.

Although his time in the public eye was short, Terry's legacy in Canada cannot be overstated. He used Canada's great distances as a poetic means of biding the country together. He crossed all social barriers and instantly put a vital, friendly face on both disability and cancer, forever removing the subjects from the shadows.

Terry's legacy is the annual Terry Fox Run, first held in 1981. It has now grown to involve millions of participants in over 50 countries. As of the dedication of this sculpture, just over half a billion dollars has been raised in Terry's name.

Length of Terry's run: 143 days and 5,373 kilometers (3,339 miles), just under two-thirds of his planned route across the country.

What If?

On a fundamental level, Terry's life makes us ask, "What If?" Suppose he had thought about running across Canada but simply changed his mind and decided not to do it? Terry was a shy boy from a sleepy Vancouver suburb; that might well have happened. And there's no way of knowing whether his cancer his relapse. So his life might have continued. He'd likely have found a good job, gotten married and had a family. His life would have had the dignity and importance that all of our lives share.

If he'd changed his mind and never run, he might have wondered "What If?" for the rest of his life - but then that's what many of us do. The world would have continued spinning. Today's weather would be just the same. Everything would be the same, and yet nothing would be the same. You and I wouldn't be the same. The way we view life and death and courage and strength wouldn't be the same.

If Terry had the same cancer in 2011 that he did in 1980, his chances of living would have been four times greater. But it was his life and decisions and actions that created that very possibility.

Sometimes we all feel like we' are just one more person here on earth. Why does anything matter? Why do any of us bother going on? But the fact is that we do go on, and all of us matter, and just maybe, if we follow Terry's example of choosing the more difficult choice, our lives take on meaning greater than we might ever have dared hope.                                     - by Douglas Coupland , September 2011 - 

테리 팍스 Terry Fox Plaza는 밴쿠버 다운타운 끝 쪽 BC Place 바로 앞에 설치되어있다. 지나가는 사람들도 Terry Fox 동상을 보고 아무도 멈추지 않았다. Terry Fox Statue를 구경하고 있을 때 주변에는 나 혼자 뿐이었다. Terry Fox는 정말 멋있다. 여행 중에 교훈을 준 관광지였다. 아마 캐나다 사람들 사이에서는 영웅이 아닐까 라고 감히 생각해본다.

캐나다 대중교통 여행 컴패스 카드

Canada public transportation trip with Compass Card

I bet you can't travel without compass card if you don't have a car.

Where you can buy a compass card? You can buy this card at Seven Eleven in the Airport! It costs 6 Canada dollars for one card. You should charge your card on online Compass Card website. How to charge? Go to www.compasscard.ca and add your card. All you need is your card number in the back side when you add a card. Put your card number on the website and it's done :-) It is very similar with T-Money Transportation card system.

컴패스 카드는 공항에 위치한 세븐-일레븐 편의점에서 구매할 수 있습니다. 가격은 카드만 6 캐나다 달러입니다. 그리고 카드에 충전을 해야 버스를 타거나 전철을 타거나 할 수 있습니다. 충전은 www.compasscard.ca 에 접속해서 'Add Card' 부분을 누르시고 카드 뒷면에 있는 카드 번호를 입력하시면 됩니다. 한국 티머니 시스템에 익숙하다면 걱정할 필요 없습니다.

Once you did register your card on the website, you should charge your card to get on any transportation in Vancouver. With Compass Card, you can access to anywhere in Vancouver through subway or bus. You have two choices one is 'Add a pass' and other one is 'Add value'

카드를 등록하면 카드에 금액을 충전해야 밴쿠버에 있는 어떤 교통수단이든 이용할 수 있습니다. 컴패스 카드로 버스가 됐든 전철이 됐든 밴쿠버에 어디든 접근할 수 있습니다. 두가지 옵션이 있습니다. 하나는 'Add a pass'이고 다른 하나는 'Add Value' 입니다. Pass를 결제하면 일정 기간 동안 무제한으로 탈 수 있고, Add Value를 하면 한국 티머니 처럼 금액만큼 충전해서 쓰는 방법입니다. 하루에 버스를 6번 이상 타는게 아니라면 Add Value를 추천합니다.

If you choose 'Monthly Pass' in 'Add a pass', you still have to choose one among three options. Vancouver, Canada is separated by 3 zones. Most of tourists choose 1 Zone or 2 Zone because main sightseeing places are mainly placed in the zones. If you are about to travel to see China Town, Gas Town, BC Place or Stanley Park, you should choose 1 Zone without doubt. 

Add a pass 중에서 Monthly Pass 한달 무제한권을 선택하면 나오는 옵션들입니다. 밴쿠버는 크게 three-zone으로 나누어져 있습니다(아래에 사진을 첨부합니다). 밴쿠버 스탠리 파크 쪽 여행을 하는 것이라면 1 Zone 으로 하시면 됩니다. 사실 저는 스탠리 파크, 휘슬러, 가스타운, 차이나타운, BC 플레이스 이런 쪽을 여행해서 1 Zone 만 여행했지만 하루에 버스를 6번 이상 탈 필요가 없었고 걷고 버스타는 여행을 해서 Add value해서 다녔습니다.

If you are going to Vancouver, Canada for trip, then 1 Zone or 2 Zone is enough. 

It is 'Day pass' selection page. Since it costs 10.25 CAD, I don't recommend you to pay this if you will not get on the bust more than 6 times in a day. It you don't get on a bus less than 6 times in a day, it is waste.

하루종일 이용권입니다. 10.25 CAD 이니까 많이 비싸죠. 그래서 하루에 버스를 6번 이상 탈 계획이 있을 때만 구매하시는 것이 좋습니다. 그게 아니라면 손해입니다. 버스를 한 번 탈 때 마다 2.30 CAD 입니다.

Since Passes are too expensive for my financial status, I charged 5 CAD every two days and walk much. It costs 2.30 CAD per bus ride and it is 1.5 times expensive than bus fare in South Korea. It was not easy to travel around in Vancouver because there's no Uber or lyft in Canada. 

그래서 저는 계속 Add Value 해서 5 CAD만 충전하고 걸어다니고 했습니다. 버스 한 번이 2.30 CAD 이니까 한국의 거의 1.5배 라서 비싸게 느껴지더라고요. 캐나다에는 Uber (우버), Lyft (리프트)가 없어서 정말 여행하기 어려웠습니다.

You can choose how much you want to charge but you can't charge out of the options above. It sucks. So I just charged 5 CAD every two days just in case(I traveled Vancouver for eight days). 이렇게 5 CAD를 격일 마다 충전했습니다. 충전할 수 있는 옵션은 위에 6개가 전부입니다. 그래서 남으면 안되니까 5 CAD 충전했습니다.

You can check how much you have in your card in real-time but you can't check the history of your riding. It sucks too because T-Money has history options for users.

버스를 한 번 타면 2.70 CAD 남은 것을 확인할 수 있습니다. 웹사이트에 들어가서 실시간으로 확인할 수 있으니 좋았습니다. 홈페이지도 간결해서 접속도 빨라요 :) 

Once you charge your card you will receive a receipt just like above but I don't understand why Compass Card didn't develop the receipt option on the website. If they put the receipt option on the website, users can see and check easily their receipts at the same time Compass Card can save their cost for E-mail -ing. If anyone needs Compass Card for free, please leave your email on comment.

충전을 하면 이렇게 입력한 메일로 영수증이 날라옵니다. 앱으로 영수증을 보여줘도 되는데 굳이 메일을 보내는지 이해가 안되네요. 컴패스 카드 홈페이지에 계정마다 영수증 옵션을 만들면 되는데요. 밴쿠버 여행 가시는 분들 중에 컴패스카드 공짜로 필요하신 분 있으면 이메일을 댓글에 남겨주세요. 공짜로 드리겠습니다.

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