1. In order to pass god's tests, we must expect them (v1-2)
-1 Peter 4:12, James 1:2 calls us to not be surprised when encountering trials; what is your typical response to a trial? How can you respond better?
2. In order to pass god's tests, we must understand god already prepared us
-1 Cor 10:13 says god will not let us be tempted beyond what we are able (cf. John 18:7-9)
3. In order to pass god's tests, we must understand they will often seem illogical (Gen 22:1-2)
-Isaiah 55:8-10 God's ways are not our ways ; We must trust in the Lord (Prov. 3:5)
4. In order to pass god's tests, we must understand they often involve our greatest treasures (Gen 22:1-2)
-we must love god more than anything (LK 14:26) and therefore, we must guard our hearts (prov. 4:23); What areas of your life are you most prost to idolize?
5. In order to pass god's tests, we must practice immediate obedience (v.3)
- Delayed obedience leads to the enemy's temptation and God's discipline (cf. Psalm 32) and immediate obedient leads to God's blessing (James 1:25)
6. In order to pass god's tests, we must have the right attitude (v.4, 5)
- Our bodies and lives must be living sacrifices (rom 12:1)- pain is common to true worship. Be careful of complaining during trials (PHil 2:14 ,1 THess 5:18, Cor 12:9-`10). wHat is your typical attitude when god's test you?
7. In order to pass god's tests, we must have faith (v.4-8)
- Faith is necessary to please god and to pass the test (Heb 11:6). Are you trusting God in your trial ?
8. In order to pass god's tests, we must depend on others (v.9, 10)
- To pass god's test, we often need the help of others (cf. Phil 1:19)
9. In order to pass god's tests, we must understand his purpose of revealing what is in our hearts (v. 11, 12)
- Tests reveal what is in our hearts ( 1 peter 1:6-7, Matt 13:21, Deut 8:2) What has God revealed about your heart through tests and trials? ?
10. In order to pass god's tests, we must depend on god (v. 13, 14)
- 1 Cor 10:13, He always provides a way of escape; Therefore, we must draw near to God and trust him in trials (James 4:8, John 15:5, Phil 1:19)
11. In order to pass god's tests, we must understand his purpose of revealing more of himself to Us (v. 14)
- God has new names, he wants to reveal to you through your tests - new characteristics.
12. In order to pass god's tests, WE must Focus on God's Reward( 15-18) - After job faithfully persevered through his trials, God rewarding him with a double blessing.
Similarly, through trials, God equips us for ministry (2 Cor 1:3-4) and rewards us in heaven ( 2 Cor 4:17-18)
13. In order to pass god's tests, we must seek to magnify christ (Gen 22)
- How does Isaac resemble Christ in this text ?
-God's purpose in tests and trials is for us to look like Christ as well ( cf. Rom 8:28-29, Phil 1:20-21). How can you look like Christ in your trial?