Day 12: LA Union Station to San Francisco(샌프란시스코)

LA Union Station

 친구 집에서 5일 동안 잘 잤다. Uber를 타고 LA Union Station으로 갔다.  Uber option 중 가장 저렴한 Uber pool을 타고 LA Union Station으로 갔다.
 버스 출발 시간이 오전 8시이어서 아침에 일찍 일어나서 출발해야 했는데 Uber Pool을 타서 조금 위험할 뻔 했다. 우버 드라이버가 운행 도중에도 다른 승객의 탑승을 승낙할 수 있어서 조금 늦을 뻔 했지만 여유롭게 도착했다.

 I slept well for five days at my friend's house. I went to LA Union Station by Uber. I went to LA Union Station by Uber pool which is the cheapest among Uber options. It was 8 a.m. and I had to get up early in the morning, but it could have been a little dangerous because I rode Uber Pool. The Uber driver was able to accept other passengers' boarding even during the journey, almost late but leisurely arrived.


LA Union Station Entrance

 이른 새벽 시간이어서 그런지 사람들이 많지는 않았다. It was early in the morning, so not many people were there.


 Only few stores in the station were open. 역에는 가게가 몇 개 안 열려 있었다.


The East Platform

 LA Union Station은 서울역 정도 크기로 정말 크다. 그래서 버스 출발 시간 보다 20분 정도 먼저 와서 자기 플랫폼 찾고 기다리는 것이 마음 편할 것 같다.

 The LA Union Station is about as big as Seoul Station. So I think it would be comfortable to come 20 minutes before the bus departure time to find and wait for my platform.


 플랫폼에서 조금 헤매긴 했는데 잘 버스에 탑승했다.

 I wandered a little bit on the platform, but I got on the bus well.


Rainy Day

 LA는 어딜 가나 노숙자들이 많다. 항상 조심해야 한다.
 LA Union Station에 사람들이 기다리는 의자에 노숙자들이 자고 있었다.  그냥 서울역 같다.

 There are many homeless people everywhere in LA. Always be careful.
Homeless people were sleeping on a chair in the Los Angeles Union Station. It's just like Seoul Station.


Stopped at the Gas Station

  누군가는 7시간 버스 탑승은 단거리라고 하는데 장난치냐고 묻고 싶다. 하루가 정말 느리게 지나간다. 버스에서 7시간 동안 할 것도 정말 아무 것도 없다. 만약 나처럼 장시간 메가버스를 타게 된다면 버스 탑승 전날 잠을 아끼고 버스에서 실컷 자는 것을 추천한다.

  Some people say that riding a 7-hour bus is short distance, but I want to ask if the person is kidding. The day passes really slowly. There's really nothing to do for seven hours on the bus. If you take the Megabus for a long time like me, I recommend you to save sleep and sleep on the bus as much as you want.

 이렇게 점심시간이 되면 휴게소에서 15분 동안 멈춘다. 그런데 15분 지나면 정말 짤 없이 출발한다. 사람들이 다 패스트 푸드를 사가지고 다시 버스에 탑승한다.

 At lunch time like this, they stop at the rest area for 15 minutes. But after 15 minutes, we'll leave without a hitch. Everyone buys fast food and gets back on the bus.

On The Way to San Francisco from LA Union Station

 계속 달린다. 어떠한 것도 보이지 않는다. 마치 컴퓨터 정지화면을 보는 것 같이 계속 이렇게 간다. 다른 탑승객들은 랩탑을 가져와서 영화를 보기도 하고, 책을 읽기도 했는데 나는 핸드폰 말고 없어서 핸드폰으로 사진찍고 인터넷도 하다가 지겨워서 몇 시간 자고 옆좌석 사람이랑 이야기도 하고 했는데도 7시간은 정말 너무 길다.

 The bus keeps running without stopping.

Middle of Nowhere

 미국 여행을 하면서 Horizon(수평선, 지평선)을 많이 보게 되는 것 같다. 한국에서는 거의 못 본 것 같은데 말이다.

 I think I saw a lot of Horizon (horizontal, horizon) on my trip to the U.S. I hardly think I've seen it in Korea.

Arrived at the Amsterdam Hotel in San Francisco

 나는 오늘 오전 7시에 기상하고 오전 버스에 탑승했다. 그리고 버스를 타고 샌프란시스코 숙박업소에 도착하니 저녁 8시 쯤 됐었다. 몸은 얼마나 피곤한지 씻고 바로 잤다.

 샌프란시스코에 암스테르담이라는 호텔을 예약했는데 만약 이것을 보고 샌프란시스코 여행을 계획하는 한국인 관광객이 있다면 해주고 싶은 말은 이 호텔은 절대 가지 마라.

 I got up at 7 a.m. today and got on the bus in the morning. And when I arrived at San Francisco by bus, it was about 8 p.m. My body was so tired that I washed and slept right away.

 I have booked a hotel in San Francisco called Amsterdam, and if there's any tourist planning a trip to San Francisco I would never recommend this hotel.

A Person Who I Met in San Francisco

미국 샌프란시스코 여행하면서 만난 사람

I met a student who is studies abroad in San Francisco. How I met her is very unexpected and it has interesting story behind. I think traveling is full of unexpected stuffs. I was ordering foods at McDonald's in random place in San Francisco and she started talking to me with Asian accent (I am not putting her down). So I was like "If you are eating at here, why don't we sit and continue conversation?" I introduced myself and she introduced herself too. We liked that we are all both Asian and not American. 

She is Cambodian and came to San Francisco, the United States of America to study English. I wanted to meet who studies in abroad especially a person who is studying in the USA because I wanted to study in anywhere abroad (I think I just wanted to escape from South Korea and wide my scope of vision at age of 15). She said everything is much more expensive than in Cambodia but she likes it. I just could tell that she was very enthusiastic in studying something new. 

샌프란시스코 맥도날드에서 만난 이 사람은 캄보디아에서 간호사로 일하고 있다가 미국에 와서 ESL 수업을 듣고 있다고 했다. 항상 두려움을 느끼는 나로서는 멋지고 대단하다고 생각했다. 혼자 캄보디아에서 미국 샌프란시스코까지 와서 렌트 아파트를 구해서 공부한다는 것이 절대 쉽지 않을 것이라고 생각한다. 캄보디아에서 미국이면 정말 지구 정 반대편 같은데 말이다.

She said she will be going back to Cambodia to continue her job as a nurse after finishing one year ESL programme. For me I don't think I can do it like her because I am a kind of person who be scared of anything before trying something for real. That makes myself not going out of Korea every time haha. It was very nice to talking to her and at the same time it was the first time talking to a nurse in person. If I didn't travel out of South Korea, I might not have a chance to talk to a nurse. I think traveling fuels confidence in myself.

여행을 하지 않았다면 내가 언제 해외 간호사와 이야기를 나눌 수 있을까? 여행은 나 자신의 자신감에 연료를 넣어주는 역할을 하는 것 같다. 

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