Day 10: Little Tokyo and Culver City

Ride to the Shopping Outlet

 미국에 사는 친구를 오랜만에 만나서 굉장히 반가웠다.

 그렇게 뭐할까 고민하다가 쇼핑하러 가자고 해서 우선 fashion outlet으로 갔다. 어디에 있는 아웃렛인지는 모르겠는데 일단 가서 티셔츠 몇 개랑 바지를 샀다.

Chinese New Year's Day

 It was very nice to meet a friend who lives in America after a long time.
 I thought about what to do with my friend, I asked to go shopping, so we went to the shopping outlet first. I don't remember where the outlet is, but I went and bought some T-shirts and pants.

그리고 리틀 토쿄로 갔다.
리틀 토쿄는 일본계 미국인들이 운영하는 식당, 문구점이 있었다. 일본과 관련된 문화 사업을 하는 작은 마을이다. 미국 사람들 중 일본을 좋아하는 사람들이 식당에서 아르바이트도 한다. 일본을 미친듯이 좋아하는 사람을 Weaboo라고 한다. 구글에 검색하면 나온다. 한국을 미친듯이 좋아하는 사람들을 Koreaboo라고 한다.

And I went to Little Tokyo.


There was a stationery store, restaurant run by Japanese-Americans in Little Tokyo. The Little Tokyo is like a small town that represents Japanese culture in the United States.  The most of people who are working as a part-time job at a restaurant were people who like Japan or interested in Japan Culture. American people who like Japan The people who like Japan insanely  are called weaboo. When you search on Google you can find more about it. The people who like Korea insanely are called Koreaboo.


What.. it's $6.99 worth?

 Six color ballpoint pen 8,000 won?

 6색 볼펜 8천원?


 불닭볶음면 7,000원?
 미국 물가는 강남보다 조금 더 비싸다고 생각하면 된다. 그말은 즉슨 매우 비싸다.

 7,000 won for fried buldak-ramyeon?
 Just think that prices in the U.S. are a little more expensive than in Gangnam. That is, it is very expensive(Especially the price in the cities).



 나는 돈이 부족해서 마트에 가서 편의점 음식을 먹었다. 음식은 일본 음식인데 만들어진 곳은 미국이라 그런지 일본 편의점 감성이 덜 하고 맛도 덜 하다. 반드시 참고할 것. 리틀 토쿄는 맛이 없다.


 I went to the mart to eat convenience store food because I didn't have enough money to eat at a restaurant. The food(Yakisoba) is Japanese food, but since it is made in the U.S., it is less sensitive and tastes less. Be sure to refer. Little Tokyo's food is tasteless.


Cyber City @Little Tokyo

 친구랑 할 것이 없어서 PC방 갈래? 하다가 PC방에 들어갔다가 가격표를 보고 바로 나왔다. 한 시간에 $4? 후다닥.

 I was like "Do you want to go to PC room because I have nothing to do." to my friend? I went into the PC room and came out right after I saw the PC room fees. Four dollars an hour? The owner must be kidding.


PC Bang aka PC room

 일본에 관심이 없는 사람들이 가도 흥미로운게 많다. 건물 안에 코스튬 스토어, 비디오 게임 스토어, 잡지 스토어, PC방, 피규어 인형 스토어, 만화방 등등 일본 문화를 접할 수 있는 가게들이 많다. 그리고 자유롭게 구경할 수 있어서 좋다. 한국인이지만 한 번 쯤 가보는 것도 좋다. Korea Town에도 한국 문화를 접할 수 있는 그런 가게들이 많아지면 관광객 유치가 수월할 수도 있겠다.

 There are many interesting things that people who are not interested in Japan go there. Inside the building, there are many stores that have access to Japanese culture such as a costume store, video game store, magazine store, PC room, Figour doll store, cartoon room, etc. And it's good to be able to see freely. Even though you are Korean, it's good to go there once. If there are many stores that have access to Korean culture in Korea Town, attracting tourists could be easy.


with my bros @Father's Offce in Culver City

 마지막으로 친구랑 저녁을 먹으러 Culver City에 있는 Father's Office에 갔다. 햄버거가 정말 맛있다. 무조건 추천이다. 하지만 만 21세 미만은 입장 불가다. 햄버거 집인데 술을 팔아서 아예 입장 불가다.

 Finally, I went to Father's Office in Culver City for dinner with my friend. The hamburger is really delicious. It's definitely recommended. However, those under the age of 21 are not allowed to enter. It's a hamburger house, but you can't enter at all because here sells alcohol.


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