Day 9: Hollywood(할리우드) and Griffith Observatory(그리피스 천문대)

Hollywood Street

 숙소에서 할리우드 거리에 도착했다. 현지 친구들이 할리우드에서 절대 눈에 띄는 행동을 하지 말라고 했다. 할리우드에 사기꾼들이 많다고 들었다.

 I arrived on the Hollywood street from my lodgings. Local friends told me never to stand out in Hollywood. I heard there are many crooks in Hollywood.


marilyn monroe

 숙소에서 할리우드까지 거의 30분 거리였다. 미국에서는 2시간 거리 정도면 보통 거리라고 했다.

 It was almost a half-hour drive from the hotel to Hollywood. In the U.S., it is said that a two-hour distance is a normal distance.


Chinese Temple?

 중국 템플 같이 생긴 곳에서 사람들이 바닥만 보고 있는 이유가 있다!

 There's a reason why people are watching the floor in places that look like a Chinese temple!


대한민국 배우 이병한

 한국 사람들은 모두 여기 와서 사진을 찍는다!

 Koreans come to this place and take pictures!


King Kong

 Torrence, Gardena, Compton, Orange County, Los Angeles 다 붙어 있어서 어디서 Uber를 타도 $30 안에서 해결된다. 대중교통을 타서 2시간을 소요하는 대신 비용을 아끼느냐, 시간을 아끼고 돈을 쓰느냐 문제다. 같이 여행하면 Uber를 타도 저렴하게 탈 수 있으니 같이 여행하면 숙소, 교통, 음식 가격이 혼자 여행할 때 보다 저렴하니 친구랑 같이 여행하는 것이 더 좋다.

 Torrence, Gardena, Compton, Orange County, and Los Angeles are all attached, so wherever you ride the Uber, it will be resolved within $30. Instead of taking public transportation for two hours, it is a matter of saving money or spending money. If you travel together, you can ride Uber cheaply, so if you travel together, the cost of accommodation, transportation, and food is cheaper than traveling alone, so it's better to travel with your friends.


Turkish Barista

 터키 커피가 맛있는지는 모르겠다. 사람들이 커피를 마시려고 줄을 서는데 아마도 바리스타 누나가 말을 잘해서 그런 것 같다.

 I don't know if Turkish coffee is good. People are lining up for coffee, and maybe it's because Barista's sister is a good talker (or maybe Turkiey has a different way of making coffee).


LeBron James LA Lakers Locker Room
LeBron James Golden Kicks

 금인지 도금인지는 모르겠는 르브론 농구화. 정말 멋있지 않나. 미국은 길거리에서 먹는 음식은 모두 비싸다. 마트에서 사는 원재료는 저렴한데 말이다.

 I don't know if it's gold or plated, but LeBron basketball shoes. It's really cool. In the U.S., all foods eaten on the streets are expensive. Raw materials that live in the mart are cheap.


A Street Baller

 former harlem globetrotters player; 전 할렘 글로브트로터 선수이다. 농구를 좋아하는 사람이면 이 팀은 대부분 알 것이라고 생각한다. 할렘 글로브트로터 선수의 평균 연봉이 연 $75,000 으로 충분하다고 들었다. 그런데 은퇴하고 나서는 길거리에서 농구를 하면서 사람들에게 팁을 받는다. 그런데 바구니에 담긴 돈의 금액을 보면 거의 대기업 사원 급이다.

 He is former a Harlem Globetrotter player. If you like basketball, I think you know the team. I heard that Harlem Globetrotter's average annual salary is $75,000 which is enough. But after retirement, the players do show on the street and get tips from people by playing basketball on the street. They still get paid a lot tho.


 길거리 래퍼, 길거리 농구선수, 길거리 미키마우스 등등 많은데 절대 무시가 최고고 만약 그들과 대화를 하고 싶다고 해도 돈을 내야 한다ㅋㅋㅋ 사실 돈을 안 줘도 되는데 자구 말을 걸고 귀찮게 한다. 필자는 한 번 당했는데 돈을 절대 안 줬다. 영어를 완전 못 하거나, 완전 무시하거나, 완전 영어를 잘해서 역관광 해야 한다. 듣는 척이라도 해주는 순간 반강매 시작이다.

 There are many street rappers, street basketball players, street Mickey Mouse, and so on, but the absolute best thing is to ignore and even if you want to talk to them, you have to pay. You must either speak English completely, ignore it completely, or do not speak English well so you should go back sightseeing. As soon as you pretend to listen, it's the start of a semicircle.

 명동에서 볼거리는 있어도 할 것은 없듯이 할리우드도 거의 비슷하다. 그래서 다시 Uber(우버)를 타곡 Griffith Observatory(그리피스 천문대)로 이동했다. Uber(우버)를 부를 때도 영어를 잘 못하는 관광객이 나한테 와서 전화를 받아 달라고 했는데 미국 여행 할 때 영어를 잘 못하면 불안할 수 있다. 여행할 때 현지 언어를 잘 모르면 그냥 구글 번역기를 잘 쓰는 연습을 하고 가도 괜찮다. 굳이 어정쩡하게 말하려고 하지 말라. 할리우드에서 우버를 불렀는데 또 20분 정도 기다렸고 Uber pool(우버 풀)을 탔는데 모두 다른 장소에서 내리는 두 사람이 이미 타고 있었다. 그래서 천문대까지 가는데 거의 한 시간이 걸렸다. 

 Hollywood is almost the same, as there is nothing to see and nothing to do in Myeong-dong So I moved Uber back to the tapered Griffith Observatory. Even when I call Uber, a tourist who is not good at English came to me and asked me to answer the phone, but when I travel to the U.S., I can feel uneasy if I don't speak English well. If you don't know the local language well when you travel, you can practice using Google Translator well. Don't try to speak with a grain of salt. I sang Uber in Hollywood, waited for another 20 minutes and rode Uber Pool, both of whom had already been on board. So it took almost an hour to get to the observatory.

Griffith Observatory
Show Schedule
an astronomical museum

 천문 박물관은 누구에게나 무료로 열려있다. 우주에 관심이 있는 사람이면 흥미롭게 박물관을 즐길 수 있다. 박물관이 조용한 분위기는 아니었고 사람들로 붐벼서 대화하면서 관람할 수 있다.

 The astronomical museum is open to everyone for free. Anyone interested in space can enjoy the museum with interest. The museum was not in a quiet atmosphere and was crowded so you can watch it while talking.

Kids Teasing Einstein

 아인슈타인 독일에서 왔다고 차별하니?

 Do you discriminate that Einstein is from Germany?


Beautiful Night View from Griffith Observatory


 Just terrific! What more can I say? 


 그리피스 천문대(Griffith Observatory)에서 걸어서 내려갔다. 그런데 숙소로 가려고 Uber를 불렀는데 진짜 street lamp가 밝지 않고 길에 혼자 다니는 사람이 필자 외에는 없어서 정말 무서웠다. LA에서 대중교통을 한 번이라도 이용해 보려고 버스 정류장까지 혼자 걸어서 가려고 했으나 저녁 8:30에 혼자 다니는 것 조차 무서워서 곧 바로 Uber(우버)를 불렀다. 그렇게 Uber Pool을 타니까 또 다른 사람이 반대편 방향에서 탔다. 그렇게 30분거리를 교통 체증까지 겹쳐서 거의 90분 동안 타고 숙소에 도착했다. 멍청한 짓을 많이 했다.

 I was supposed to catch a bus at the nearest station from the Griffith Observatory so I walked down to the station from the top of the mountain where the observatory is all by myself. It was around 8:30 p.m. but I was too scared since there's no bright street lamp and there's no single person who walking on the street. I couldn't see anything around so called an Uber driver real quick, and waited behind the tree until the Uber came. Yes. I am a coward.



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