한동대학교 행복관 방 사진 

Handong Global University Happiness Dormitory Pictures 

한동대학교 행복관

4인 1실이 있고, 2인 1실이 있다. 4인 1실은 2018년 기준 174,000원 / 월이었던 것으로 기억한다. 가장 최근에 지어진 기숙사여서 시설은 정말 좋다. 방 마다 화장실, 샤워실, 건조대, 에어컨, 온돌난방 시설이 모두 구비되어 있다.

Handong Global University Happiness Dormitory Pictures

There are two types of room in Happiness Dormitory. One is two people per room and other one is four people per room. The majority of rooms is designed for four people room. 80% of rooms are four people room and rest 20% are two people room. Happiness Dormitory is not expensive for its facilities. 174,000 won per month. Each room has a shower room, rest room, air conditioner and heating system.

The Last Day in the Dormitory  // 대학교 기숙사 마지막 날 현실

Have ever stayed in a dormitory in college days or high school days? I stayed in the college dormitory for all my college days. 8 semesters. 4 years. 

laundry room

The laundry room in the last day of the semester was always like this. Since people are so lazy to pack their lugguages they would rather throwing away their old clothings. Every time I saw the mountain of clothing, I was like "How rich are they?" because for me I rarely throw away my clothes until they be worn out. 

foods in the fridge

These foods that left in the fridge until the last day of the semester are acceptable compare to clothings above. It happens. Haha.

뉴욕 7박 8일 여행 준비 시작!

Booking.com Sucks

You are not supposed to expect something good in 6 beds dormitory room.

뉴욕 여행을 처음으로 준비했던 때가 기억 난다! 아직 1년이 된거나 한 것도 아닌데 벌써 오래된 것 처럼 느껴진다. 언제 봐도 뉴욕 물가는 비싸다. 전세계에서 손 꼽힐 정도로 비싼 동네이니 그럴만도 한데 지금 봐도 비싸게 느껴진다. 6인실 도미토리가 1박에 41,000원 이었다니. 믿을 수 없구만! It has been just 2 months since I have been to the States but I feel like it's been a year. Everyone knows the price in New York City is expensive as whut. Can't believe the dormitory price above in the picture. How could 6 bed room per night cost 41,000 won?

Time Square, New York City, New York

뉴욕시를 처음 방문 했을 때 타임스퀘어는 정말 내가 뉴욕에 있다는 것을 느끼게 해주는 지역이었다. 한국에서 떠올렸던 뉴욕은 항상 화려하고 바쁘고 그런 모습이었는데 사실 막상 가보면 서울이랑 크게 다를게 없다는 느낌을 받는 지역도 있고 그렇다. 뉴욕은 정말 또 방문하고 싶은 도시 중 하나! I never regret visiting New York City even though it costed me a lot more than I expected to spend. Anyhows I am still safe and I have never been hurted ... so Thanks God again. (There were so many embarrassing moments but thoese are all good memories)

대학교 기숙사 룸메이트 때문에 죽고 싶었던 경험

Almost died because of the previous college roommate..

(Feat. 최악의 룸메이트)

(Feat. The Worst Roommate Ever)


대학교 기숙사는 4인 1실을 사용했다. 성인 남자 4명에서 한 방에서 살기란 너무 힘들었다. 정리를 안 하는 룸메이트를 여럿 만나봤다. 하지만 지금까지 만난 룸메이트 중 최악은 위에 사진이 설명한다.

Four of us, we, share a room in dormitory for a semester in my college. You know It is never easy living in a small room with 4 male adults. I have seen many messy people but not this much like the picture above. IT WAS THE WORST. NO MORE WORDS.

뻘래를 하는건 맞는지, 저 프라이팬은 왜 바닥에 있는지 묻고 싶지만 항상 새벽에 들어와서 물어볼 수도 없다. 같이 사는 사람이기는 한데 얼굴 보기가 어렵다.

I cannot even figure if he does laundry or not because every time I opened the room door room inside smelled like meh.. I wanted to ask if he does but he always came back to room at late night like 3 in the morning. Yes we were sharing a room but could not see his face often.

제발 빨래통에 넣고 세탁을 하란 말이야. 다 큰 성인이 이런건 기본이잖아.

Please throw your laundry into the laundry basket. It is manner brother. And what is that frying-fan on the floor? Why is that on the floor? Please boy. God please have mercy on me. Jesus name I prayed.

만약 이런 룸메이트를 다시 만난다면 나는 기숙사비를 환불 받고 빠르게 기숙사 호관을 옮겨달라고 문의할 것이다. 너무 힘들었다. 다음 학기에는 어떤 룸메이트를 만날지 설레기 보다는 두렵다.

If I have to share a room with a guy like this, I will instantly protest it to the dormitory administration. It was no joke. I am not excited but afraid of future roommates. I hope there's no one like this guy on the campus.

개인 원룸에서 독립할 수 있는 날을 꿈꾼다. I believe one day I can do live by myself independently.

12162018 the last day in the dormitory

I worked as a Residents Assistant this semester (2018 - Fall semester). The number of residents that I was in charge of were like 92 people. There were 4 Residential Assistants and there was one Head RA who are in charge of the four residential assistants.

Why I applied for this job is because I do not have many friends to hang out with so if there is not special events or important plan , I do not go out of dormitory. Last semester, I thought myself doing RA job is the best job for me because the tasks that the RA has to do seem easy and it is the job for homebody person just like me.

 I would say I had been doing not bad until the mid-term week of the semester, but it was sort of annoying since there were a few of residents who are very impolite and rude. Every time when they asked me something about regulations or dormitory policy they were like "Hey RA blah blah .. ". I have never seen someone talking to me like "Excuse me.." or "I am sorry". I am saying that they are just rude and impolite, there are always pros and cons, here is pros too. Frankly, I regard how they speak to me very rude but since they talk to me without any hesitations, I could do help them faster than anyone expectes. (remember : I am not putting them down or looking down on them. I know they are really hard-worker on what they do.)

 Last, as of next year I will not be doing this job again (I mean I already quitted as soon as the last semester ends.), for me it was tough time but I think it imporved me in patience and communicating. It was more like service-job, hopefully I want to believe it enhanced my overall personality. Next semester there would be an other male residential assitant, I wanted to yield this job to others so that other people can also apply for the job and enjoy the tasks :)

Thank you for everything taught me , improved me... just wanted to say thank you for everything literally. Hope my dormitory to be dormitory, not trash dump or something haha. Peace.

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