Day 2: Colombo, Sri Lanka to Kandy City Centre

Day 1:  Sri Lanka, Colombo International Airport

Airline meal

 I know I shoud've put this picture in the 'Day 1' post. The meat was delicious, but I thought I wantedmore rice. Korean Air was not bad.

PickMe App Ride

 Don't use Uber but PickMe App! TukTuk is only available at PickMe. Plus, Uber in Sri Lanka is more expensive than PickMe. Have you ever been in a taxi for four hours? I called a PickMe as soon as I arrived at Colombo International Airport and headed to Kandy City. If you look at the fuel efficiency at the dashboard, it says its fuel efficiency is 31.7km/litre. How good car it is?!

 I had 7 hours long flight from Seoul to Colombo and arrived at the airport at around 4AM and 2 hours waiting for immigration. I was dang exhausted and I was kind of afraid of being kidnapped or getting robbed because I knew it takes 4 hours from the airport to Kandy City and I am very new to Sri Lanka and I don't understand Sri Lanka language at all (I doubted even where I was heading to). It costed about 5,000 rupees for 4 hours riding from Colombo Airport to Kandy City Centre.

 I was afraid that the taxi driver did not concentrate on driving and watched TV.

 But fortunately, I arrived safely at Kandy City. It took four hours and the price was about 5,000 rupees. When I arrived at KCC, there was something surrounded with big wall. It was an authentic market. 

 There is a bus, but there is no bus stop sign,and there is no line on the road, so you shouldbe really careful if you drive.There is nocrosswalk or traffic light, so when you cross the road, you should be careful.

It's the inside of the market.There are so many people. If you are not a Sri Lankan, merchants will tryto sell fruit to you at a ridiculous price. So if merchants say something, it is better to ignore them. Don't buy anything from them. 

 You can buy fruits at a store with a price tag,but avoid merchants who do not have a pricetag and continue to change prices. There were so many people, so I was worried about the hygienecondition.

 Look at his feet, the fish man and look at the hands of the fish man. I was worried about hygiene because he was not wearing gloves and shoes so I did not buy anything. I really didn't want to go to the hospital or be hospitalized because of stomachache duringmy trip.

 I didn't buy anything in the market.What you should be careful about is that there are a lot of people who want to cheat against foreigners.Itis best to be careful and ignore strangers whenthey talk. The reason I did not buy anything was that the price changed every time I asked the price, and I was worried about hygiene.

 So I decided to go to the mart and buy a sidedish that I could eat with rice. When you are abroad, you are at risk of fallingimmunity, so it is good to eat foods that can take care of your health no matter whatyou eat. And at least if you go to the mart and buy something, you are not worried about being fraudulent.

SAMSUNG is everywhere

 All the inside advertisements at the mart were Samsung. I was so proud that I was a Korean. 

 There was a burger king at the Sri Lanka Mart,but it was too expensive. If the price of food exceeds 850 lkr, it can be said to be expensive. So I wanted to eat Burger King, but I did not eatit and ate other things.I honestly can not remember what I ate.

Day 1:  Sri Lanka, Colombo International Airport


Day1: Sri Lanka, Colombo International Airport

Day1: Sri Lanka, Colombo International Airport I will be posting an article about my first trip in 2019 at least one per day. From January, 2019 to February, 2019, I went to six different countries..

 - English is not my native language.If I'm wrong,please point out.Thank you.

혼자 여행 하기

  나는 혼자 여행하는 것이 좋다. 지금껏 여행을 할 때 친구들이나 가족들과 자주 다녔다. 그리고 항상 혼자 다니고 싶어했던 마음이 있었다. 중학교 때 혼자 여행한 적이 있는데 서로 비교하자면 장단점이 엄청 뚜렷하다. 혼자 여행을 하면 모든 여행 비용을 홀로 부담해야 하기 때문에 비용적인 측면에서의 단점이 크다. 하지만 혼자 여행하기 때문에 누군가와 의논할 필요도 없기 때문에 비용은 조금 더 들어도 자기가 하고 싶은 일을 혼자서 다 할 수 있다. 어디를 가고 싶으면 가면 되고, 어느 식당에서 어떤 음식을 먹고 싶으면 먹으면 된다. 사진을 어디서 찍고 싶으면 알아서 찍으면 된다. 전혀 의논할 사항이 없기 때문에 시간이 절약되고 정신적 에너지 소비량도 마찬가지로 덜게 된다. 혼자 여행하면 조금은 심심하겠지만 여행 100% 자기 스스로 즐길 수 있다는 점에서 만족도가 높다.

  여행을 같이 다니게 되면 에너지가 많이 소비된다. 그리고 어디를 갈 때 라던지, 무엇을 먹고 싶을 때 끊임 없이 의논해야 한다. 하지만 사진을 서로 찍어줄 수도 있고 돌발상황일 때 서로 도와줄 수도 있다. 같이 여행을 가더라도 성향이 맞는 사람끼리 다녀야지 아무리 친했더라도 여행 같이 다녀오면 사이가 안 좋아질 수도 있다. 마치 아무리 친해도 같이 살 수는 없는 것처럼 말이다. 서로 안 맞는 사람끼리 다니면 매일 매일 짜증만 나지 좋은 여행도 다 망친다. 그러니 여행을 할 때에는 여행을 가기 전에 모든 일을 잘 계획하고 예측 가능한 돌발상황에 대해서도 준비하고 가야한다. 안 그러면 여행을 통째로 망칠 수 있다.

  만약 지금까지 누구랑 여행을 다녔다면 혼자 가는 것도 추천하고, 혼자 여행만 했다면 누구랑 같이 다녀보는 것도 추천한다. 어떤 선택을 하더라도 분명히 얻는 것이 있고 배우는 것이 있다. 개인이 어떻게 받아들이냐 어떻게 생각하느냐의 차이일 것이라고 믿는다. 필자는 혼자 여행하는 것이 좋다.

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