Day 5: The Last Day in Kandy, Sri Lanka

  It's the last day in Sri Lanka. I should have taken more pictures but I'm sorry I couldn't. But I'll upload the pictures I took in Sri Lanka. 스리랑카에서 마지막 날이다. 이런 저런 사진들은 더 많이 찍었어야 했는데 못 찍어서 아쉽다. 그래도 지금까지 스리랑카에서 찍었던 사진을 올리도록 하겠습니다.

Rice and Curry

 스리랑카 카레의 향신료 맛이 굉장히 강했다. 향신료에 익숙한 입맛을 가진 사람이 아니라면 먹을 때 조금 어려울 수 있을 것 같다. 가격은 3000원 정도였다.  The spices of Sri Lanka curry were very strong. If you're not a person who is familiar with spices, it could be a little difficult to eat. The price was around 3,000 won.

The Swimming Pool in Cinnamon Citadel Kandy

 I went to the swimming pool one more time and it was no doubt the best place during Sri Lanka trip. However, since it is not only located in Sri Lanka I regretted like why I came to Sri Lanka.

 수영장에 한 번 더 갔는데 가장 좋은 장소였다. 그렇지만 아쉬운 점이 있다면 이 곳은 스리랑카에만 있는 것이 아니고 어딜 가도 있으니까 스리랑카에 왜 왔을까 하는 후회를 하기도 했다.

A View From the Hotel
A View From the Dining Table at the Hotel
A View From the Kandy City Centre


Fried Rice and Vegetables.

 This fried rice seems to have been the most delicious. I had difficulty eating food with spices, but I think rice and water will never disappoint Koreans. I really do not remember the name of the restaurant. The price of food was about 3,000 won, but I had to give tips, so it was around 4,000 won.

 이 볶음밥은 정말 제일 맛있었던 것 같다.나는 향신료가 들어간 음식 먹기를 어려워 했는데 밥과 물은 한국인을 절대 실망시키지 않을 것이라고 생각한다. 정말 기억력이 안 좋은데 식당이름이 전혀 기억 안 난다.

The Hotel Garden

Certainly, the air in the garden is much fresherthan the city. I recommend comparing the air once.

 확실히 정원의 공기는 시내 보다 훨씬 신선하다. 한 번 공기를 비교해보기를 추천한다. 시내에서 마신 공기를 기억하고 정원에 와서 공기를 마시면 느낌이 다르다. 

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