Handong Global University Cafe 'Apple in the Tree'

There is a awesome cafe in Handong, students may call it 'AIT' or 'AINT' (abbreviated form of 'Apple in the Tree').

Location : near return place in Handong Global University Student Restaurant 

 Since the most of students and professor are having busy daily, they usually eat bread and drink coffee instead of having breakfast meal sitting on the chair. Why students love to grab a cup of coffee and eat bread is they can have breakfast on the way to lecture room. It is the also reason why 'Apple in the Tree' get crowded especially in the morning time around 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM when lectures about to begin. The cafe opens at 7:00 AM and closes at 8:00 PM.

 Why students love to buy foods from AINT is the cafe has contract sign with SINSEGAE FOOD so that all the members in Handong can enjoy the AINT foods cheaper than before. The SINSEGAE FOOD offers discount benefit to members who paid before the semester had begun. Since the contractor gives 15% discount benefit to whom paid 700K won in advance, students can enjoy foods without burdens.

 In Handong at least, the cafe is second to none! because all the bakers are qualified and have licenses.

Second, AINT has a their own rule called 'sell on the day', they never store unsold breads, so consumers can buy it without doubting breads are bad. I bet AINT breads are much better than any other franchise bakery's.

 Must eat it!

Peace out!

한동대학교 애플인더트리 카페

Handong Global University 'Apple in the Tree' Cafe.

한동대학교 학생회관에 위치한 애플인더트리 카페입니다.

학생들 사이에서는 '애인트'라고 짧게 줄여 부르기도 합니다. 외국인 학생들 사이에서도 마찬가지로 AINT 혹은 AIT 라고 줄여 말합니다.

위치 : 한동대학교 학생회관 퇴식구 쪽.

주로 빵, 커피 및 음료, 삼각김밥, 우유, 마카롱, 케잌 등을 판매합니다. 빵은 하루에 1,000개 이상 판매됩니다. 그리고 음료 역시 하루 500잔 이상 판매됩니다.


빵은 제빵사 전문 자격을 갖추신 분들이 제과하기 때문에, 웬만한 프랜차이즈 빵가게 보다 맛은 보장합니다.

음료 역시 저렴합니다.

한동대학교 학생회관 학생식당 및 애플인더트리 카페는 신세계푸드와 협약하여 선불결제를 한 학생들에게 한해서 할인혜택을 제공하고 있습니다. 학기에 최대 700,000원, 70만원까지 선불결제가 가능하고, 70만원을 선불결제 했을 때 모든 음식은 15% 할인이 적용되고 있습니다. 1,000원 짜리 아메리카노를 결제하면 850원으로 결제 됩니다. 학생들에게 저렴하게 맛도 있어서 많은 학생들이 찾습니다.

애플인더트리가 가장 붐비는 시간대는 월화수목금 오전 8시 ~ 8시 30분, 오전 9시 40분 ~ 10시 입니다. 학생들이 아침에 식사를 하기에는 부담스럽고, 빠르게 강의실에 가면서 끼니를 해결하고 싶어하기 때문에 빵류와 음료가 가장 많이 판매됩니다. 애플인더트리의 모든 빵은 당일 제과 당일 판매 원칙을 지키고 있기 때문에, 가끔 빵이 진열대 위에 올라와 있어도 뜨거울 때가 있습니다. 보장하지만 정말 맛있습니다.

 반면 마카롱은 학생들에게 가격면에서 부담스럽게 느껴질 수 있습니다. 마카롱은 5조각에 3,500원입니다.

 삼각김밥은 800원입니다. 물론 선불결제를 한 학생들에게는 할인혜택이 적용됩니다.

운영 시간은 아침 7시 30분 부터 ~ 오후 8시 까지 입니다.

외부에서 학교로 빵을 먹으러 와도 될 정도로 정말로 맛있습니다. 

한동대학교 학생식당 불고기 카레 우동 3,800원

전국에서 오직 한동대학교 학생식당에서만 맛 볼 수 있는 디쉬메뉴입니다.

This dish is one and only in Korea at least.

Handong Global University Bulgogi Curry Udon

It contains Udon noodles, Curry sauce, a side dish of pickled radish, a fried egg, a side dish of macaroni, a few slices of green onion..


It tastes awesome.

Hope all you guys try it!

한동대학교 학생회관 학생식당 치킨 그라탕 스파게티 3,800원

Handong Global University Student Restaurant Noodle corner

Menu : chicken gratin spaghetti 

Price : 3,800 won

When I sipped the soup beside the main dish, I was like "Holy Dang.." :)

When I bite that fried chicken, I was like "Heave!" :)

Awesome, this spaghetti is second to none!

Handong Global University's unique culture, TEAM barbeque

In Handong Global University, there is an unique culture that other colleges may not have. The unique culture is called TEAM barbeque.

 A team is consist of about 30 students and one team professor, and each team has a meeting (team-gathering) altogether once a week at least.

 Every single students except for the senior students have to participate in team-meeting, and every single students take a part of job that needed for team-meeting. Such as a treasurer, a team-leader, vice-leaders, freshman-helper, a family leader... et cetera, et cetera.

 The most of teams have planned TEAM-barbeque day to get to know team-members more, or to get closed to each team-members. There are a few reasons that why Handong members love to do team-barbeque. First, to get to know each team-members and a team-professor. Second, to celebrate a team-leader's birthday or a professor's birthday or teacher's day on May, 15th. Third, to celebrate team-members who will be graduated soon in terms of farewell party at good hotel's conference room. Fourth, to relive freshmen' nerves to help them to get familiar with team-members and the school.

 Unlike other colleges, Handong has barbeque grills set very next to basketball court and performance place, and the service that offers barbeque kits to students for free so that all members in Handong can enjoy their time in Handong with their team-members.

 The team-barbeque culture is one of reasons that Handong students can come and get closer to any professors. I solemnly bet that there is no one who dislikes the culture!

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