How to apply Sri Lanka Visitor Visa

1. First, go to and click English or your mother-tongue.

2. Click Apply

click apply

3. Click Agree


4. Click Apply for an individual (if you are visiting by yourself)

5. Fill in blanks

Fill in blanks

6. A few weeks later, you can see the status of your Visa Status.

Visa Application Status

You can also check the status in your email.

P.S. You can do it by yourself! It is just too EASY! Never ever use any Visa agencies!

Sri Lanka Foods / 스리랑카 여행 음식

Fried Vegetable Rice

  스리랑카에 처음 가 봤습니다. 그리고 쌀은 한국 쌀 하고 많이 달랐습니다. 스리랑카 쌀은 수분이 없고 얇고 긴 쌀이었습니다. 그래서 항상 밥을 많이 주는데 가격은 한국하고 비교했을 때 엄청 저렴하거나 그러진 않았습니다. 한국에서도 밥버거 같은거 2,000원 ~ 4,000원 정도 하는데 이 곳 한끼 밥 그릇 bowl로 나오는 볶음밥 식사는 한화로 3,500원 ~ 5,000원 했습니다. 엄청 저렴하지도 않더라고요. I had been to Sri Lanka last winter and its rice was 200% different from Korean rice. Sri Lankan Rice is dried, skinny and long while Korean one is short and full. Since Sri Lanka's 'Gross Domestic Product' is lower than South Korea, I thought everything is much cheaper than Korea but it was not that cheap as much as I expected. The food in the picture costs about 3,500 won in Korea Currency. I don't remember its price in Lupee haha. Anyways it tasted not bad and apparently it is very common food in Sri Lanka.

Avocado Drink

"Avocado sucks."

  처음으로 아보카도 주스를 마셔봤습니다. 한국에서는 사실 과카몰리 Guacomole, 아보카도가 흔하지 않잖아요. 그래서 그냥 한 번 마셔보자 해서 마셨는데 건강해지는 맛이었으나 혀가 즐기는 맛은 없었습니다. I had a cup of Avocado drink for the first time. I didn't expect much from this small drink because it costed only 1,700 won much. However in Korea, Guacamole, Avocado and such tropical fruits (or vegetables?) are not common so that was why I just tried it! It tasted very healthy but no rejoice for my tongue.

KOICA x Sri Lanka Government

  KOICA와 함께하는 월드프렌즈 청년중기봉사단 스리랑카 최종평가회를 어느 호텔에서 가졌다! 나는 이곳에서 잠시 머무르기만 했고 KOICA 단원들과는 아무런 연관이 없었다. 

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