TOEIC RC / 토익 RC 기출문제 풀이 #3

01. Employees should remember to log out of _____ work e-mail accounts when leaving for the day.

 a) that

 b) who

 c) their

 d) its

02. In an ______ to boost annual revenue, Starlight Boutique will extend its weekend business hours.

 a) account

 b) output

 c) effort

 d) amount

03. All Bousquet Garments products, including accessories, ______ by us using priority post.

 a) shipped

 b) being shipped

 c) are shipped

 d) shipping

04. Please make sure that you submit all of the requested documents to our personnel department _____ May 31.

 a) toward

 b) over

 c) at 

 d) by

05. The board of directors announced that it will ______ find a replacement for the outgoing CEO.

 a) usually

 b) exteremely

 c) definitely

 d) formerly

06. Mr. Johnson is ______ to apply for the managerial position at MindTek, Inc., as he lacks experience in the field of robotics.

 a) hesitation

 b) hesitant

 c) hesitated 

 d) hesitantly

07. Aquatastic Water Park will be offering discounts on children's day passes ______ the month of June.

 a) apart

 b) down

 c) between

 d) during

08. Residents of Ferndale have _______ concern that the construction of the proposed shopping mall will cause an increase in noise pollution.

 a) opposed 

 b) queried

 c) assigned

 d) expressed

09. As the head of the personnel department, Mr. Murphy is ______ for ensuring the happiness and welfare of all company employees.

 a) likely

 b) sincere

 c) responsible

 d) conclusive

10. Before making any changes to company policies, Ms. Kramer ______ seeks the approval of the company president.

 a) well

 b) soon

 c) always

 d) before

11. _________ manufacturing costs have not significantly decreased, Matrox Chemicals has noted a sharp fall in its monthly expenditures.

 a) Although

 b) In addtion

 c) However

 d) Only


01 : c

02 : c

03 : c

04 : d 

05 : c

06 : b

07 : d

08 : d

09 : c

10 : c

11 : a

TOEIC RC  / 토익 RC 기출문제

1. Vira Tech's latest high-definition camcorder debuted at a _____ high price compared to similar models.

 a) diligently

 b) productively

 c) relatively

 d) carefully

2. Regardless of the problem, all customer complaints will be dealt with ______ .

 a) appropriates

 b) apporopriated

 c) appropriating

 d) appropriately

3. Employees should not _____ to more than one special committee during the year.

 a) commit

 b) participate

 c) lead

 d) comply

4. Carson City has announced that it will begin a three-year-long _____ to install solar panels on all city buildings.

 a) burden

 b) initiative

 c) demand

 d) impression

5. ______ candidate demonstrated a strong understanding of how to transform the source code into an executable program.

 a) Most

 b) Neither

 c) Few

 d) Almost

6. Light snacks and beverages will be provided to all participants _____ the seminar today.

 a) as to 

 b) throughout

 c) such as

 d) among

7. Sudip Banerjee _____ to a new post in India where he is expected to grow our business network.

 a) assigned

 b) will assign

 c) has assigned

 d) has been assigned

8. To remain within the reduced budget, the development team is putting numerous cost-cutting _____ into place.

 a) measures

 b) references

 c) finances

 d) handles

9. ______ the letter of request, North Ridge Suites is pleased to offer use of the main ballroom at a reduced rate to the Iduwe Society.

 a) So as to

 b) In response to

 c) As an expression of 

 d) In an attempt to

10. Stacy's Candy Store customers ______ accumulate enough annual rewards points to receive a free box of chocolates.

 a) absently

 b) mutually

 c) rarely

 d) dividedly

11. New Imij Share members will receive confirmation by e-mail _____ their application is approved.

 a) thereby

 b) notwithstanding

 c) once

 d) regardless

12. In the interest of making the article easier for the general public to understand, many of the scientific terms were ______ deleted from the document.

 a) sparsely

 b) intentionally

 c) domestically

 d) alternatively



1. c

2. d

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. b

7. d

8. a

9. b

10. c

11. c

12. b


1. Vira Tech's latest high-definition camcorder debuted at a _____ high price compared to similar models.

 c) relatively

Vira Tech의 최신 캠코더는 비슷한 모델과 비교했을 때 *비교적* 높은 가격이다.

2. Regardless of the problem, all customer complaints will be dealt with ______ .

 d) appropriately

문제가 있음에도 불구하고, 모든 소비자 불평은 *적절히*(adverb 부사) 처리되었다.

3. Employees should not _____ to more than one special committee during the year.

 a) commit

피고용인들은 한 해 동안 하나 보다 많은 특별 조직에 *헌신해서는* 안 된다.

4. Carson City has announced that it will begin a three-year-long _____ to install solar panels on all city buildings.

 b) initiative

Carson City는 모든 건물에 태양 패널을 설치하기 위해 3년치 *계획*을 시행할 것이다.

5. ______ candidate demonstrated a strong understanding of how to transform the source code into an executable program.

 b) Neither

*어떠한* 후보자도 소스 코드에서 시행 가능 프로그램으로 변환하는 방법을 강력히 이해한 점을 증명하지 않았다.

6. Light snacks and beverages will be provided to all participants _____ the seminar today.

 b) throughout

가벼운 가자와 음료는 오늘 세미나를 *통해* 모든 참여자들에게 제공될 것이다.

7. Sudip Banerjee _____ to a new post in India where he is expected to grow our business network.

 d) has been assigned

Sudip Banerjee는 그의 비즈니스 관계를 성장할 수 있다고 예상되는 인도로 할당되었다.

8. To remain within the reduced budget, the development team is putting numerous cost-cutting _____ into place.

 a) measures

절감된 예산 내에서 유지하기 위해서는, 개발팀이 수 많은 비용 절감 *조치*를 취하고 있다.

9. ______ the letter of request, North Ridge Suites is pleased to offer use of the main ballroom at a reduced rate to the Iduwe Society.

 b) In response to

요청의 *답변으로*, North Ridge Suites 는 ...

10. Stacy's Candy Store customers ______ accumulate enough annual rewards points to receive a free box of chocolates.

 c) rarely

Stacy's Candy Store 소비자들은 공짜 초콜릿을 받기 위해 *거의* 포인트를 모으지 않는다.

11. New Imij Share members will receive confirmation by e-mail _____ their application is approved.

 c) once

New imij Share members는 지원서가 증명되기*만 하면*, 확인 메일을 받게 될 것이다.

12. In the interest of making the article easier for the general public to understand, many of the scientific terms were ______ deleted from the document.

 b) intentionally

일반 대중들이 이해하기 쉬운 기사를 쓰기 위해서, 많은 과학적 용어는 원문에서 *의도적으로* 삭제된다.



1. _____ message was left for the vice president while he was away.

 a) All

 b) Most

 c) Another

 d) Several

2. According to the weather report, the severe storm warning will stay in _____ until midnight.

 a) matter

 b) result

 c) contact

 d) effect 

in effect(효과로), in use(사용 중에 있는), in person(직접), in detail(구체적인 내용으로), in attendance(참석 중에 있는), in error(오류가 있는), in bulk(다량으로), in half(절반으로), in writing(작성 중에 있는) ...

3. Boston officials have advised commuters _____ routes take them past the stadium to expect delays today caused by the baseball game.

 a) their

 b) when

 c) whose

 d) they

4. The table is made from a ____ material so it can withstand heavy items being placed on it.

 a) mandatory

 b) durable

 c) grateful

 d) frequent

5. The latest film from director Alan Coronado received high ratings from _____ in the film industry.

 a) criticisms

 b) criticism

 c) critics

 d) critical

6. Direct debit _____ will show up on your online account statement almost instantaneously.

 a) charges

 b) processes

 c) findings 

 d) reactions

7. Updated contracts will be available in the shared folders on Tuesdays, _____ a schedule for the software seminar.

 a) along with

 b) nowithstanding

 c) by means of

 d) other than

8. Merrimack Media executives are hesitant to _____ the partnership because it has been so profitable.

 a) terminate

 b) arrange

 c) surpass

 d) misplace

9. _____ of the National Poetry Award will have their work featured in the monthly magazine Last Word.

 a) Receiving

 b) Receipts

 c) Recipients

 d) Receive

10. ______ the food at Garden Bistro is delicious, its small portion sized do not justify the high prices.

 a) In spite of 

 b) While

 c) In order that

 d) Otherwise

11. _____ the confidential nature of the experiments being performed there, it is no surprise that Blackwall Labs has tight security.

 a) Given

 b) By means of 

 c) Moreover

 d) In case

12. Ms. Parker brought a gift for the CEO on his birthday but other employees did not think to do _____ .

 a) always

 b) likewise

 c) still

 d) rather

13. All funds raised by the charity go toward the _____ goal of supplying clean water to developing countries.

 a) admirable

 b) admiring

 c) admiration

 d) admirably

1. c
2. d
3. c
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. a
8. a
9. c
10. b
11. a
12. b
13. a

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