Teenagers Who Wanted To Deceive and Buy Alcohols.

편의점에서 술 담배 사다 걸린 청소년

The Teenagers Left Bottles of Alcohol and Disappeared.

At the time when I was working at CVS as a night-time staff, the owner of mine always cautioned that never buy anything from crazy strangers and never sell alcohols to whom does not have one's ID card. One day, a couple of teenagers entered CVS and they directly headed for alcohols in the fridge, not even looking at other stuffs. Just like they stored their alcohols here, they picked the bottles of beers and Soju and put the bottles on the counter. It took less than a minute until they put the bottles. Since I knew they don't even have IDs(because they looked really young like fifteen or sixteen) I told them to show their IDs, and they said they forgot to bring because they lost their IDs. So I told them to return the bottles and leave but they said they are not teenagers and just forgot to bring the IDs again. I was like "According to the rules of CVS, we can't sell alcohols and cigarette to whom does not have an ID. Sorry. Please return the bottles and leave.". And they left CVS, spitting bad words. It was ridiculously upset moment because I had to put the bottles back to the fridge all again. I strongly believe that the world can be more peaceful when every person in the world does not commit anything illegal. GS25에서 아르바이트를 하고 있는데 어느 청소년들 처럼 보이는 학생들 몇명이 몰려왔다. 그리고는 마치 술을 맡겨논 것 같이 술이 있는 냉장고로 곧장 향해서 술을 골라서 바로 계산대에 올랐다. 편의점에 들어오고나서 1분도 안돼서 술을 계산대에 올려놨다. 그래서 나는 신분증을 요구했고 신분증이 없다고 했다. 근무자인 나는 술병을 냉장고에 되돌려놓고 나가라고 했더니 한 번만 봐달라고 했다. 그래서 됐고 술병 돌려놓고 나가라고 했더니, 술병은 안 넣고 그냥 욕하면서 나갔다. 정말 화가 났던 하루였다. 술병도 다시 넣고, 진상도 상대하고, 청소도 하고, 분리수거 하고, 계산 하고 힘들었다 하루로 기억한다. 술은 20대가 되서 마셔도 된다.

'알바저장소' 카테고리의 다른 글

편의점 일하면서 힘들었던 점  (0) 2019.05.02
Wholesale Price Of CVS Products  (0) 2019.05.02
A Mistake Of CVS Staff  (0) 2019.05.01
How the inside of CVS Looks Like  (0) 2019.04.26
반드시 필해야 할 알바자리  (0) 2019.04.26

A Mistake Of CVS Staff

GS25 편의점 알바 실수

한번 계산할 거 3번 했음

It might be the one of mistakes that happened the most often, which is overcharging. There was an special product promotion and I have forgotten to apply that event to certain products. So unconciousnessly I overcharged a few customers. Overchaged a customer $5 more than it should be. 100% undoubtedly my fault. I was speechless when the customers came to the CVS again and said the problem to my face. It was, however, very good to see the customers again at the CVS because they didn't come again and didn't complain, then I would have been fired by the owner if the they told this to owner directly. You know what I am saying. Always gotta be grateful to the situation that given. 아마 편의점 아르바이트를 해봤거나 하고 있는 사람은 알텐데 아르바이트 처음 시작했을 때 계산실수를 해봤을 것이다 (계산실수라고 해서 calculation error라고 하면 안된다. calculation error는 수학 문제 같은 것에 실수했을 때 쓰는 용어고, 영어로는 overcharging 이라고 하는 것 같다). 편의점 아르바이트를 처음 시작해봤을 때 실수했던 사진을 찍었다. 6,800원인 상품을 11,100원으로 계산했으니 고객 입장에서는 얼마나 짜증났을까. 100% 내 잘못이다. 요즘 편의점 장사도 잘 안되고 힘든데 이 글을 보면 편의점장 여러분들 POS 기계에 가서 편의점 매출이랑 영수증 같은거 정기적으로 확인해보면 알바들이 실수한 게 있을 수도 있다. 

편의점 알바가 얼마나 힘드냐면

Can you guess how hard being a clerk at convenience store is?

내가 편의점 아르바이트 면접을 봤을 때가 기억이 난다. 편의점장은 엄청 진중하고 심각한 표정으로 얼마나 할 수 있는지 부터 물었다. 나는 최소 6개월은 가능하다고 하니까. 못 나오는 날이 있으면 반드시 미리 이야기를 해야 한다고 했고 지금 당장은 일을 못할 수 있지만 친절하고 성실해야 한다고 반복해서 말했다. 나는 처음에 왜 이렇게 흥분된 상태로 말을 하나 했더니 이전 근무자가 일을 하다 말고 도망갔다고 한다.

I do remember when I had an interview for the position of part-time job at CVS. The owner was very serious and asked me like "How long can you consistently work from this time?" So I was like "I will do and can do 6 months at least." And she said "You should tell me a week ahead if you can't work on a certain day." I thought myself "What is going on. She doesn't even ask me if I am good at it or if I have early-experience or something." And she repeat again and again "You don't need to be good at it this time but you must be nice to customers and diligent. I said "Yes. Of course." I didn't know why she was so upset at the first time and there was the story behind. My previous part-time man didn't appear on the day he was supposed to work and he disappeared without any communication. That was why she was so upset when she interviewed me.

정말 할 일이 많았다. 영수증만 봐도 뭐가 많이 적혀 있는 것들을 확인할 수 있는데 그냥 힘들었다.

There were so many tasks that I was in charge of. You may check how this work was tough by seeing the receipts in the pictures. It was just tough.

여기서부터는 예약된 상품들 목록이다. 가끔은 과로가 진지하게 걱정된 적도 있다. 편의점이 맞는지 의심됐었다. 누가 편의점에서 이렇게 많은 물건을 산다는 말인가. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

The receipt right above was the list of reserved products. I could not understand the people who buy this much products at CVS. I mean CVS does not sell products at cheap price and does not even discount. I was like just "Gosh. Maybe rich people or dumb".

Part time job was like almost always tough. I have put aside reserved products as soon as I arrived at work. And there were at least 200 customers during my work-time. I would say it was like hell. I don't want to go back. 편의점 저녁 근무는 항상 힘들었다. 예약된 상품은 항상 진열대에서 빼내야 했고, 최소한 200명 고객이 왔다. 다시는 하고 싶지 않은 기억이다. 하지만 언젠가 돈이 필요하다면 해야겠지만 알바는 이제 그만 하고 싶다. 편의점 알바생 여러분들 힘들어도 항상 친절하게 일하시길 바랍니다. 다들 힘든 세상 먼저 웃음을 주면 웃음이 되돌아 옵니다!

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