The Best 2500 won Food Ever

최고의 2500원 학식

치즈라면 + 밥 + 단무지= 2500원

Can you guess the price for the foods in the picture? It is all for 2,500 won. Can you believe it? At the time I was too starving I said cook to put much rice and they said okay because there were no many people behind me and time was about to close. God blessed. If you want to eat this much food for the cheap price, come to Handong Global University haha (kidding). 학교 다니면서 먹곤 했던 2,500원 학식이 가장 기억에 남는다. 치즈라면이랑 밥이랑 해서 2,500원 인데 뒤에 사람이 없으면 밥을 많이 받을 수 있었다. 그리고 정말 맛있었다.

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