2016.01.07 THUR


Today I enjoyed the new source of food, the Indian curry, fried rice, nan and kantipur.

The Indian curry was so much differed from curry I have ate in Korea, Korean makes curry as curry that korean food company makes and this is familiar with koreans

and delicious to them. But when I saw Indian curry first, It was really hard to eat at all. It's such a different culture ! When koreans make food, they tries to make food 

delicious and also looks good. but I couldn't find it in Indian food at all. Even, overall vibes and sanitation environment in Indian restaurant were totally dirtier than 

Korean restaurants. Surprisingly, when server serves, dirt on every dish, fork and knife ! that ever can find in Korean restaurant ! Simultaneously, I thought it was kind 

of responsibility that Korean consumers should understand as Indians eat food with their right hand so Indian cooks don't have enough times to manage all 

tablewares, but foods. I learned new thang every day ! I regard today's experience as a property of my life and it was kind of stunning moment when I ate new foods.

Once I came to Ansan multi-culture street, I felt it is kind of small Itaewon. Because many foreigners in here too but not variable as itaewon street.

Here is consist of most of chinas and indians.. 90% asians. And as you know, foreigners who work here are not qualified and eligible workers because they are

illegal immigrants. Most of men in their group are work at building or delivery cargos, while women work in hoe or bitch.( This is not an insult or swear, but true...)

An Accepting foreigners as workers is not wrong, but it is wrong that Korean governments are not strive to make any rules to control accepted foreigners including 

illegals and not attention to those problems that female workers as hoes.. As many want, it should be cleared and we have to support them to work in more good

place and live manly. To attain this, first of all, Korean government should teach Koreans to them FREE and makes multi-cultures education center where has no 

discrimination and multi-cultures families can hanging out freely. However it only gives to legal immigrants but Korean governments should inform illegals to how to 

be legal politely !

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