A Person Who I Met in San Francisco

미국 샌프란시스코 여행하면서 만난 사람

I met a student who is studies abroad in San Francisco. How I met her is very unexpected and it has interesting story behind. I think traveling is full of unexpected stuffs. I was ordering foods at McDonald's in random place in San Francisco and she started talking to me with Asian accent (I am not putting her down). So I was like "If you are eating at here, why don't we sit and continue conversation?" I introduced myself and she introduced herself too. We liked that we are all both Asian and not American. 

She is Cambodian and came to San Francisco, the United States of America to study English. I wanted to meet who studies in abroad especially a person who is studying in the USA because I wanted to study in anywhere abroad (I think I just wanted to escape from South Korea and wide my scope of vision at age of 15). She said everything is much more expensive than in Cambodia but she likes it. I just could tell that she was very enthusiastic in studying something new. 

샌프란시스코 맥도날드에서 만난 이 사람은 캄보디아에서 간호사로 일하고 있다가 미국에 와서 ESL 수업을 듣고 있다고 했다. 항상 두려움을 느끼는 나로서는 멋지고 대단하다고 생각했다. 혼자 캄보디아에서 미국 샌프란시스코까지 와서 렌트 아파트를 구해서 공부한다는 것이 절대 쉽지 않을 것이라고 생각한다. 캄보디아에서 미국이면 정말 지구 정 반대편 같은데 말이다.

She said she will be going back to Cambodia to continue her job as a nurse after finishing one year ESL programme. For me I don't think I can do it like her because I am a kind of person who be scared of anything before trying something for real. That makes myself not going out of Korea every time haha. It was very nice to talking to her and at the same time it was the first time talking to a nurse in person. If I didn't travel out of South Korea, I might not have a chance to talk to a nurse. I think traveling fuels confidence in myself.

여행을 하지 않았다면 내가 언제 해외 간호사와 이야기를 나눌 수 있을까? 여행은 나 자신의 자신감에 연료를 넣어주는 역할을 하는 것 같다. 

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