How KTX Business Class Looks Like / KTX 비즈니스 클래스 후기

KTX Business Class Seats

This is how KTX Business Class looks like. Yea I don't find any single special thing except for its size of seats and a bottle of water for all business class passengers. What I like the most in the Business Class is its quietness. Because people who buy business class is because they want to go to the destination comfortably and of  course without any troubles. I didn't see many people in the train, it might be because the business seats are 1.5x expensive than economy class seats. Anyhow, I like its comfortable seats and silence in the train. I am willing to buy one more time only if I have enough money for this. KTX 비즈니스석이 일반석 보다 좋은점 두 가지만 뽑자면 좌석 크기랑 조용함 정도가 될 것 같다. 일반석에 타면 가끔 아기들이 울기도 하고 아줌마/아저씨 들이 시끄럽게 통화하기도 불쾌한데 비즈니스석은 그런게 많이 덜하다. 가격은 일반석 보다 1.5배 비싸지만 가격만큼 하는 것 같다. 괜찮았다. 

A Small Bottle of Water

그리고 비즈니스석을 타면 물이랑 땅콩을 준다. 일반석에는 물론 없다. 그리고 직원분이 굉장히 친절해서 좋았다. There are a few more benefits of business class. It provides a free pack of peanuts and a bottle of water. 

'Trip 여행 > South Korea' 카테고리의 다른 글

Trip To Daegu  (0) 2019.08.27

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