반드시 필해야 할 알바자리 / Workplace That You Must Avoid

임금체불하는 사업장

You have to avoid the company that wants you to sign on non-sense paper. For example, if your owner wants you to sign on the paper that tells owner will never pay you overwork, just don't sign it and find other jobs. You might think there's no more companies that don't pay wage properly but what you think and reality are different. Me too thought there would be no more bad owners but they are still there. 임금을 제대로 안 주겠다고 하는 직장은 무조건 피해야 한다. 그리고 잔업수당, 초과수당, 주휴수당 등등 임금책정에 포함을 안 하는 회사는 무조건 거르고 피하면 된다.

Before you getting into real work, you have to ask how much is your salary for the first year. Believe it or not, in South Korea, not asking how much is the salary is convention. Why is convention? Because if you ask how much you will be paid for the first year before getting into work, people think you are blinded by greed. So, people don't know how much they get paid before they sign. It is weird. This kind of cultures must be fixed sooner or later. 

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